domingo, 20 de mayo de 2012

The Armour

Once a upon a time there was  a village in a far far away place. A land called Heaven, where peace and happiness laid upon its inhabitants. They used to live happy. Living  in the field and livestock.
Everyone knows eachother. They love arts. During afternoons kids used to paint in the shade of the trees. Surronded by a huge river and close to bushes and flowers.During evenings  adults gathered  to sing and claim poetry along their guitars. Good treatment and solidarity were their most remarkable values. One day the black darkness noted.  They were spiritual hosts  which came from a  wikedness place. (Sky Region).They wanted to rule Heaven. People from Paradise were sad because every day was dark  and sun did not come out.
Days were cloudy and all inhabitants began to get depressed. People stopped going to work and kids stopped going to school. Everything was in shadows. Gradually joy were fading away from that peaceful place. But soon came  help prompt support and strength arrived to Heaven. One morning though it seemed to be night, one of the neighbours decided it was time to "stand firm".  "What have been taught from childhood?" .Resist the evil day!!! - all of them shouted at one voice-
It was suddenly as if a vail had been lifted from their eyes and the word of The Creator came to their minds and hearts. So every inhabitant from heaven put the armour to withstand in the evil day. Because we do not fight  against flesh and blood but  evil spirits operating in heavenly realms.
Truth and justiced  of God wore them as armour. Shod their feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace.They also wore shields of faith to cope with the crush of the enemy fire. Helmets were placed on their heads as salvation. All of them took a sword. It were not an ordinary sword but Swords by Spirit  called Logos.
Having made the armour they went to Sky Region and faced the armies of evil.
Finally they resisted the enemy and stood firm. For awhile the shadows were no more but everytime they tried to approach to Heaven people were steady.They were clothed with the Armour of God.

(inspired by Paul in Ephesians chapter  6)

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